Specify Domain
CURL to generate Data using API
curl --request POST --location 'https://api.fakedata.rk-projects.dev/api-generation/v1/data/generate' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"columns": [{"columnName":"firstName","columnType":"firstName","options":{}},{"columnName":"lastName","columnType":"lastName","options":{}},{"columnName":"email","columnType":"email","options":{}},{"columnName":"number","columnType":"number","options":{}}], "rowsNumber": 100, "type": "JSON"'}
Fake Data Generator is a tool that allows you to generate random data for testing purposes. You can specify the number of rows and columns you want to generate, as well as the data types for each column. The tool will then generate random data based on your specifications. You can preview the generated data by clicking the "Preview Data" button, and you can also download the data in various formats such as JSON, CSV, and SQL by clicking the "Generate File" button. If you want to generate data right in your browser, you can use the "Try in Browser" button. You can also generate data programmatically using the provided CURL command.
It's challenging to create a meaningful UI prototype without making actual API requests. By doing so, you'll identify issues with application flow, timing, and API design early on, enhancing both the user experience and API quality. With Fake Data Generator, you can craft your own mock APIs, controlling the URLs, responses, and error conditions. Accelerate UI and API development simultaneously and begin delivering superior applications more quickly today!
When developing an application, it's essential to test it under conditions that closely mimic a production environment. In a live setting , numerous users will interact with your app and populate your database with data, putting your code under stress. If you're manually entering data into a test environment one record at a time using the UI, you'll never accumulate the volume and diversity of data that your app will gather in a few days in production. Worse still, the data you input will be skewed towards your own usage patterns and won't reflect real-world usage, leaving significant bugs undetected.
Filling your test database with realistic data will make you more engaged as a tester. When you showcase new features to others, they'll grasp them more quickly. Real data is diverse and may contain characters that could potentially disrupt your code, such as apostrophes or unicode characters from other languages. Testing with realistic data will make your app more robust because you'll identify errors likely to occur in production before the release day.
There are numerous excellent data mocking libraries available for almost every language and platform. However, not everyone is a programmer or has the time to learn a new framework. Fake Data Generator allows you to swiftly and effortlessly download large volumes of randomly generated test data based on your own specifications, which you can then load directly into your test environment using CSV formats. No programming skills are needed.
You can download random data programmatically. Use curl to download data in a shell script via a RESTful URL with Fake Data Generator.